What is 7D Imaging?

7D Imaging is a socially responsible, values-driven, tech-driven education company that understands the power of bedside ultrasound - a clinical superpower to share with the world.


What’s more amazing than looking inside the body with ultrasound to guide a needle or to make an immediate diagnosis? The challenge is knowing what you’re looking at and what you’re looking for. That’s what we teach. We’re good at making things “stick.”

Our name derives from the 7 styles of learning. How you learn in these 7 DIMENSIONS is uniquely you. You choose what’s best for you—because time matters.

7D Imaging harnesses the power of tech, experts, and proven learning methods to 10X your ultrasound skillset. Our mskNAV software is powerful and provides you fast access to key information. It makes you better, and smarter - beginner or expert.

The most common unsolicited descriptors for mskNAV users are “Awesome” and “Amazing!”

NYAGI PROJECT: Ultrasound for the poorest.

7D strives to make the world a better place. Our close partnership with the NYAGI Project, an ultrasound educational non-profit, saves lives with ultrasound in remote, low-income, resource-limited areas of the world.

Want to see how we are making a difference? Check out the NYAGI Project.

Your 7D support helps many others.

Scan well. Be phenomenal.

Best wishes,

The 7D Imaging Team

Our team is committed to use technology for the greater good. In partnership with The Nyagi Project, we’ve taught and brought practical ultrasound skills to underserved communities around the world with mskNAV.

In August 2024, 7D Imaging technology deployed to Somaliland to improve pre-natal care by teaching emergency ultrasound skills to local healthcare workers.

Building off of successful projects in Haiti, Tanzania, and Nepal, 7D will continue to identify communities in need and partner with volunteers and philanthropists to save the lives of our future mothers.