Cliff Gronseth, M.D.
Ultrasound Evangelist
Haiti — Dr. Gronseth has a deep-seated passion for teaching ultrasound to the world.
Dr. Gronseth is a former exploration geologist who morphed into an ultrasound zealot. After surviving a severe bout of malaria in Africa, he had a life-changing epiphany and committed to a life in medicine to help others. He is now a triple-board certified, award-winning physician — and ultrasound evangelist. Twenty years ago, he discovered the power of clinical ultrasound (akin to interpreting seismic images of underground rock layers). Today, he holds several ultrasound patents and champions ultrasound education around the world.
Dr. Gronseth loves to teach, winning multiple awards as faculty at the University of Colorado. He created NAV™ (Navigation) software to help accelerate learning. “Technology helps teach ultrasound faster. The best way to learn ultrasound is with a probe in your hand and key information at your fingertips.” The NAV™ system has proven to be a powerful learning tool used worldwide.
With his passion for sharing ultrasound with the world, especially the less fortunate, Dr. Gronseth founded the NYAGI Project, a non-profit focused on saving lives by using ultrasound as a triage tool in remote villages. He likens ultrasound to a visual stethoscope (and sometimes a crystal ball) that can spot danger inside the body in real-time. He leads a team of experts who teach life-saving ultrasound skills to medical providers in low-resource areas. In 2018, he was bestowed the Humanitarian Award from the International Foundation of Sonography Education and Research for his international work. He is currently working on projects in Rwanda, Tanzania, Somaliland, and Haiti.
Your purchase of 7D Imaging’s NAV™ software strongly supports the NYAGI Project. You are helping us to help others.
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